Saturday, July 24, 2010

my capo's stuck

I want to watch spongebob right now, so change the channel

whoever colors my world this color is lacknig good insight
and needs to check the weather forcast, cause I know
rainstorms never last

I'm slightly perplexed by perpetual clouds
and my emotions getting pushed about
by the waves of this ocean

Cuz it seems raindrops keep showing their face on my parade day
at least the fear of them anyway

Yeah, it appears my fear of moving is keeping me inside and
always apprehensive. i know though, you're getting me through this Lord
and though each day is gorwing more tedious in everyway
it's making me delerious, i know, i know it's true

I will trust in you, yeah I will trust in you

A link to my commentary:

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